Dec. 10, 2024 Update
We have important updates to share heading into the second year of the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Program.
Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, the tax credit program will be aligned with the school year.
We will continue to keep you informed and will send additional communication and reminders as important deadlines approach.
March 4 Update
Now that the priority window for the Parental Choice Tax Credit Application has closed, notifications from Merit to families informing them that they will be receiving the tax credit are in process.
Should your family receive this notification, Merit requires you to open a Merit account or virtual wallet to proceed. After creating the account, their website will provide you with a date that your check has been cut. However, to date, we have not received any tax credit reimbursement checks for our families that received notification.
As soon as we learn more and/or receive a batch of checks, we will contact families directly to let them know the check has arrived and is ready for endorsement.
Marquette will apply the credit to the remaining open tuition balance for Spring 2024. Please note, per HB 1934, the tax credit is issued in two equal installments, each of which will be half of the total of the spring and fall tuition and fees, even if the spring and fall tuition and fees are not equal. This may result in instances where the spring disbursement is not equal to spring tuition and fees. In these instances, we recommend the school and taxpayer work together to determine the best path forward.
February 12 Update
Last week, notifications were sent to many Priority Applicants (eligible students who are members of a Household in which the federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) does not exceed $150,000) with a processable application. In the coming days and weeks, first installment payments will be issued.
Payments will be disbursed by paper check made payable to the taxpayer and sent directly to Marquette weekly until all disbursements have been made. Once the checks are received, Marquette will contact families to let them know the checks are ready for endorsement.
Marquette will then apply the credit to the remaining open tuition balance for Spring 2024. Please note, per HB 1934, the tax credit is issued in two equal installments, each of which will be half of the total of the spring and fall tuition and fees, even if the spring and fall tuition and fees are not equal. This may result in instances where the spring disbursement is not equal to spring tuition and fees. In these instances, we recommend the school and taxpayer work together to determine the best path forward.
December 15 Update
Families who applied for the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit last week may start receiving notification of acceptance as early as next week (according to the state, households with 2022 AGI of $150,000 or below will be notified within 14 days of submission if they have received the credit.) If your family does receive notification, you do not need to communicate that back to the school or business office.
We are still waiting on more specifics from the state regarding the process for check distribution. However, what we do know includes:
• Tax credit checks made payable to the taxpayer who applied for the tax credit will be mailed in two installments (one per semester) to Marquette.
• Taxpayers are required to collect the check(s) in person at school.
• Marquette is not changing its tuition payment agreement or tuition process. All spring tuition payments will proceed according to your selected payment plan.
• Marquette will require that all 2023-24 tuition balances be paid in full before releasing tax credit checks.
We look forward to sharing more details following Christmas Break as they are released to us from the state.
December 8, 2023 Update
According to the state, households with 2022 AGI of $150,000 or below will be notified within 14 days of submission if they have received the credit. Households with 2022 AGI above $150,000 will receive acknowledgment of their application but will not be notified of approval status until the 60-day priority application period has ended (February 5, 2024) and all priority applicants have been notified. (See English Handbook & Spanish Handbook, p. 6-7)
Additionally, once applicants have been approved, checks with the credit amount will be mailed to the school in the name of the taxpayer who applied for the credit in two installments. Taxpayers will be required to come in person to the school to collect the check(s).
As a reminder, we are not changing our tuition payment process. Therefore, Marquette's spring tuition payments will proceed according to your selected payment plan. After we learn more from the Oklahoma Tax Commission and the anticipated timeline, we will provide another update.
Other reminders:
December 1, 2023 Update
Due to the postponement of the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit launch date to Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 2 p.m., we have a few updates to share.
All families who requested enrollment verification from Marquette after our original deadline (November 30 at 9 a.m.) through 9 a.m. this morning are being submitted to the state’s portal today. If you do not receive an EVF from the state by 5 p.m. today, please email Stephanie Jimison at [email protected]. It is important to stress that you must use this email address (not calls to the school, voicemails, or texts), as we are working to ensure every family is taken care of promptly.
Additionally, due to the postponed launch date, any family that requests enrollment verification from Marquette today through Sunday, Dec. 3, at 11:59 p.m., will be uploaded to the state’s portal ahead of the new December 6 application opening. The link to request Marquette enrollment verification can be found here.
At this time, we are no longer fulfilling EVF requests for children who are not enrolled or have not completed an admission application to Marquette. However, our application for the 2024- 2025 school year opened on October 1, 2023, and will remain open until December 31, 2023. If you wish to apply to Marquette, please refer to our process. A completed application does not guarantee enrollment.
BREAKING NEWS! - November 30, 2023 Update
The Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit application has been pushed back by the state until December 6 at 2:00PM.
November 30, 2023 Update
The Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit application opens tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.
To apply, visit:
The application requires 2022 FEDERAL Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). The information can be found on the IRS Form 1040 Line 11 and Oklahoma Form 511 Line 1.
The state has provided an Application Checklist. For your convenience, it is attached as well.
Other helpful resources include:
• Parental Choice Tax Helpline: 918-554-5440
• Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
November 30, 2023 Update
If you submitted your Marquette verification form request before 9 a.m. today (11/30) and do not receive your Enrollment Verification Form (EVF) from the state by noon today, please email Stephanie Jimison at [email protected].
The state has shared that they have been dealing with a systematic glitch and, therefore, instructed schools to re-upload the data for those specific families. Our priority for the next 48 hours is to ensure that all families who submitted their requests ahead of our deadline (9 a.m. today) receive their EVF from the state.
As previously communicated, the Marquette verification request window for the December 1 application launch closed at 9 a.m. this morning. Going forward, all new requests for Marquette enrollment forms will be uploaded to the state next week. We will shift to a weekly data upload for the remainder of the application window.
November 29, 2023 Update
Families that requested an enrollment verification form from Marquette to participate in the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit should have started receiving the state-generated EVF from the email address [email protected]. This document will be required when you apply to the state’s tax credit program (one EVF per child that you plan on submitting an application for).
Upon reviewing your EVF from the state, you may have noticed some discrepancies regarding the listed tuition for this spring or next fall for your child(ren). As part of the Oklahoma Tax Commission enrollment verification process, Marquette is required to itemize the qualifying eligible expenses related to both the Spring and Fall 2024 semesters. Marquette’s enrollment process, payment schedules, and deadlines will continue as normal.
Marquette’s “School Participation Form” has been verified. We anticipate access to the state’s portal by the end of business day tomorrow to upload our Enrollment Verification Form (EVF) data on behalf of our families who requested to participate. This is our top priority, and we will notify our community when this step is complete. Upon completing the upload, it will be the responsibility of the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) to generate and send the EVF to the taxpayers directly (our individual families) ahead of December 1.
We will host two Q&A sessions on Monday, November 27. These sessions are optional and will allow parents to ask our team questions. There will be no new announcements made or information revealed.
8:15 - 8:45 a.m. – Fletcher Hall
2:15 - 2:45 p.m. – Fletcher Hall